Tag: Borussia Dortmund

Borussia Dortmund fans’ version of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’ is pretty damn good
You’ll struggle to find a football fan around the world who doesn’t admire Dortmund’s fantastic support through good and bad times. Well, they’ve been at it again with their own version of Liverpool and Celtic’s ‘You’ll N

Players and fans of Dortmund celebrate win with rendition of Jingle Bells
Christmas is coming and German side Borussia Dortmund seem well up for it after footage of their players and fans joining in together for a Christmas sing-a-long did the rounds last night. You know, as most other clubs

Was there a ghost on the pitch at the German Cup final at the weekend?
A ghost? On a football pitch? Stop it Natter Football. Seriously though, it might’ve actually happened during the German Cup final between Pep Guardiola’s Bayern Munich and Jurgen Klopp’s Borussia Dortmund at the